
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We're famous!

We have to go now ... we announced it to the world, check out this month's SpinSheet on p. 56

Photos From My Retirement Party, 27 Aug 09

Coming to work on my last day - Joy at her guard post.

The whole wonderful gang. It's been a real pleasure to work with such a group of smart people who believe in what they're doing and have a passion for science.

My boss, Lloyd, and the office chief, Katherine, picking on me for the last time <*wink*>
A USGS benchmark - very, very cool honor to receive. This is one piece of brass being added to the boat that I won't mind polishing.

My amazing secretary Brenda. We spent many Tuesday mornings at oh-dark-thirty comparing review schedules. She gave me this lovely clock as a retirement gift. It has NO ALARM FUNCTION - guess I'll be sleeping in from now on.

Frances getting goofy - never trust a geologist with a knife!

The cake was really good ... in addition to being a major sugar buzz!